Zagreb Sightseeing

Sprache Albanian, Bosnian, Englisch
Kosten 250 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

A sightseeing of Zagreb can take from 2-4 hours ,though you will explore the Upper town ,its rich history,visiting the Cathedral,Dolac Market .Tkalča Street .The Funicular Train, ,St Marks Square and its Church,Croatian Parliament .Croatian Government .the Stone Gate .The Ban Josip Jelačić Square and have a gratis coffee or a drink or an icecream of your choice at one of many coffee shops and bars in the town.Or you can explore the Lower Zagreb town see its beautiful park Zrinjevac /the Lenuccis Horse Shoe shaped parks ,see the Croatian Academy of Science and Arts .The Main Railway Station.The Esplanade Hotel /famous for Agathas Christy story The Orient Express ,The Marulič Square and its State Archive buildiong in the Secession style ,The Mažuranić Square with the National Croatian theatre Opera House ,Mimara Museum ,The Westin Hotel ,The Ethnographical Museum ,The Croatian School Museum,.the Art and Craft Museum of Herman Bolles Master work in the arcitecture of 19 century.You can stroll up to the Ilica street ,one of the most famous shopping Zagreb streets .And lots lots more .

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