Sprache Englisch
Kosten 120 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

Within the tour you will have the opportunity to see the most significant and landmark places and to learn about history and origin of Tbilisi.Full of ancient history&mysterious; legends you will find a piece of magic&history; with every step you take and places where the battles took place......

Tbilisi is an amazing capital, full of ancient medieval character & fairy-tale charm with old and modern elegance.We absolutely adore this city and love revealing our remarkable history & fantastic culture of this warm contemporary capital and meeting new people every day.

We will walk along the old narrow streets and visit the place where the origin of Tbilisi began.We will tell you a history about Tbilisi and Georgia and its sights,as well as about superb and wonderful georgian delicious cuisine.We will visit the place where the Great Silk Road passed (trade and craft district of the city) and we will see the architecture of the old city and walls of the past.

Join us to really experience Tbilisi and get the most from your time in this wonderful place with fun-lovin and knowledgeable local guides on our famous tour every day!!!

Who wish to visit and get a pleasant and unforgettable impression of the city Tbilisi and to learn about its history and origin I am waiting for you on my tour!!!

Explore Tbilisi with me and feel the flavor of life in Georgia.


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