Lava Tour by American Jeep 4x4 in Mount Merapi

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 45 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 7 Stunden

Duration: 2 hours or 20 kilometers

Touring Route will pass through

1.Start from Kaliurang park center

2.Passing the villages surrounding Kaliurang area to kalikuning

3.In Kalikuning passing the big River

4.After that passing the rice field and another villages

5.Public Cemetery Ex-Merapi eruption victims

6.Through Opak River

7.Museum Sisa Harta-ku

8.After that passing the Petung Hill and Soga forest

9.Bungker Kaliadem (to see ex banker whose has two victims when Merapi erupted on 2006)

10.Alien Stone in Jambu Village ( the big Rock that has face like Alien )

11.Bendo Valley

12.Tempuran River ( the jeep will passing the water in the River )

13.After that Back to the starting point in Kaliurang

Included: Private transportation, Car, Driver, Gasoline, and Parking to Kaliadem / Round Trip

1.Good and comfortable Jeep / Helmets for safety

2.Mineral water & Jadah + Tempe (Sticky rice + Soybean )

3.Tea and Black Coffee

4.Tour Guide / English Speaking Driver

5.Entrance Fee


Extra: Visiting the big Volcano Museum

Price:45 USD$ Per person

(* please don’t bring Kids under 3 years old)


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