Holland America Line Cruise Ship Passengers from Semarang Port to Borobudur

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 200 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 10 Stunden

Private sightseeing tour Introduction:

well, welcome to semarang port, I purpose you to take vacation in central java by Private car even your are just 2 person, 3 person, 4 person or a big group, I will serve you during your docking time in Tanjung Emas Port, I have so many clients who wanna go to Borobudur via Semarang port, so please enjoy your trip with me to Borobudur and sight seeing tour surrounding the Borobudur and semarang city site, just send me a message about your trip and I will respond you as fast as possible because I always online on internet 24 hours so fast respond is my priority.

What's Included?

• Good Private Car

• English speaking driver and good personality

• Gasoline + Entrance Fee

• English Tour Guide

• Lunch

• Mineral water during trip

• Port tax

• Toll/High way gate fee

• Parking car and Retribution


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