Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch
Kosten 1000 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 6 Tage

Day 1 Arrival in Dakar transfer to the island of Ngor according to schedules

The charm of this 500-by-200-meter island is discovered by strolling through its narrow streets. Its beautiful beaches attract many people, especially the Dakar.

On the other side of the bay, the Atlantic Ocean with two famous spots for surfers: the right and the left of Ngor. In 1964, a sequence of the American documentary film The Endless Summer, interpreted by surf legend Robert August, was filmed.

- Celebrities and political figures have holiday villas there. The French singer France Gall, the Senegalese-American artist Akon, the musician Wassis Diop, stay there regularly.

The island was once uninhabited and the villagers of Ngor crossed the bay to graze their sheep and to grow millet. It was in the 1950s that the Dakar began to picnic on the island before building small sheds and then more modern houses.

Day 2 free day in the island with a walk to meet artists and painter free lunch.

Day 3 departure for the visit of Dakar: the very picturesque Tylene market, the African Renaissance monument which overlooks the beautiful coast of Dakar. The world's tallest statue with breathtaking sculptural design, the building easily tolerates its 52 meters. Defying time as well as sky. The place of independence then continuation in Gorée for the lunch then visit of the island then dinner and overnight in the island.

Day 4 After breakfast departure for the islands of Saloum, then visit typical traditional villages in the middle of the savanna then continuation to the lodge of Simal or Palmarin. After lunch a cart ride.

Day 5 Departure in the morning after breakfast for a canoe trip for a discovery of this biodiversity of mangroves then initiation to fishing then return for lunch. After lunch departure for the visit of the artisanal fishing port of Mbour then continuation of stay in all included in the hotel the filaos and departure on the 7 th day.

Private: 800 euros per person including full board, tours, hotels and lodge, driver and guide, transport, fuel

Minimum 04 pax 680 euros per person including full board, tours, hotels and lodge, driver and guide, transportation, fuel


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