Hot Air Ballooning Safari

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 3290 ZAR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 7 Stunden

Hot Air Ballooning Safari : HAPPY METER

Departure 04h30 to 11h00 (Booking Essential)

This is a tour not for the faint hearted as you will be required to rise before the birds chirp the first morning calls. You will be collected from your hotel at about 04h30, (this time does change from summer to winter time. Confirmation will be given to you before collection.) We then proceed for about an hour to the launch site in the beautiful valley that runs along the Magaliesberg Mountain Range and Hartbeespoort dam. On arrival you will be greeted with a hot beverage and rusks whilst you stand and watch in awe at how they prepare the balloons for launching. You blood races as you are called to the balloon by your pilot and asked to climb aboard. With a rushing sound the burners blast out vast amounts of hot air into the balloon and you suddenly feel yourself majestically lifting off the ground. As you gain height the stillness envelopes you and you can hear the silence and a peaceful feeling comes over you and you feel one with the skies. After landing in an unknown destination you will be served champagne and orange juice by you pilot. You are then collected and transported back to the launch site for a full English breakfast and yes your certificate for the flight.

After breakfast with your heart still racing we head out for chameleon village for you to go on a shopping spree amongst 136 stalls of African curios. When you have satisfied you shopping needs we head back to your hotel where you are safely dropped off.

Price Structure Per Party: Person @ R3990: 2 to 4 Persons @ R3290: 5 Persons & up @ R2990


Dress code: Comfortable clothing.

Warm pull over for early morning chill.


The tour will comprise of the following:

Shuttling to and from the Hotel.

1 hour balloon flight

Certificate of your flight

Full English breakfast

Shopping spree at Chameleon Village

During the tour photos will be taken and placed in a dropbox for you to retrieve.


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