Persepolis & Naqsh-e Rust-am

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, persisch
Kosten 55 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 10 Stunden

I’ll be ready in the early morning (recommended to start early morning to avoid the heat and sun in the spring and summer) to pick you up from your hotel. We will first drive to Persepolis (One hour drive from Shiraz); I’ll take you around first, then you’ll have the time to explore the site on your own. Next we can have lunch in a restaurant or local family nearby.

Notice: ( In November and October, it’s possible to see the Saffron fields around and have lunch with the saffron harvesters)

Next in the afternoon, we will visit Necropolis and finally drive back to Shiraz before evening.

Included in Persepolis Excursion:

- An AC car for up to 4 people; more than 4 needs a mini van or van with a driver depending on the group size.

- An English or French-Speaking Driver-Guide.

- Bottles of drinking water.

- Tickets to Persepolis and Naqsh-e Rustam is NOT included.

- Lunch is NOT included.

PRICE: 55 US Dollars for 4 people sharing.

(more people needs a bigger car and a separate driver which charges more).


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