Pikey Rhododendron Blossom Season Trek

Sprache Englisch, hindi, Nepali
Kosten 600 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 6 Tage

The Pikey Rhododendron Blossom Season Trek is a delightful adventure that takes place in the Lower Solukhumbu region of Nepal. This off-the-beaten-path trek offers an extraordinary experience, combining the magnificent beauty of the Himalayas with the rich cultural heritage of the Tamang, Sherpa, and Magar communities.

The trek is particularly enchanting during the spring season when the Rhododendron forests burst into vibrant blossoms, creating a breathtaking backdrop for hikers. The scenic views along the trail, including mesmerizing sunrises and sunsets, and the panoramic vistas of the Himalayan peaks, leave trekkers in awe.

As trekkers cross the route, they encounter Buddhist monasteries adorned with colorful prayer flags, further immersing themselves in the local culture. The trek also provides opportunities to spot Himalayan wildlife, adding an element of excitement to the journey.

The Pikey Rhododendron Season Trek is a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural immersion, and adventure, making it a must-visit destination for trekking enthusiasts seeking an authentic Nepalese experience.

Season: End of April to May


Day-01. Drive to Dhap (2900m) Time: 7-8 hours

Day-02. Trek to Jhapre (2820m) Time 4-5 hours

Day-03. Trek to Pikey Base Camp (3640m) Time: 7-8 hours

Day-04. Trek to Junbesi (2700m) via Pikey Peak (4065m) Time 7-8 hours

Day-05. Excursion day. Day hike to Thupten Chholing Monastery and back to Junbesi and rest

Day-06. Drive to Kathmandu Time: 7-8 hours

Trek Cost

Per Person (2-4pax) USD675

Per Person (above 4pax) US600


1. Three-time food (breakfast, lunch, and Dinner) with Tea or Coffee during the Trekking,

2. Accommodation during the Trekking sharing basis

3. Guide and porter’s wages, food, accommodation, and insurance on Trekking.

4. Transfer from Kathmandu-Dhap-Kathmandu by reserved Jeep

5. Government Tax


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