Lake Chala Day Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 120 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Tag

Lake Chala Treasure Trail Day Trip

The tranquility and peace of Lake Chaka seem a thousand lifetimes away from the bustle of Moshi town, but it’s actually only an hour’s drive away, so perfect for a day trip with a difference. Lake Chala is a caldera lake fed by clean, cold underground streams from Kilimanjaro itself, and it’s renowned for its gloriously changing colours; from deepest turquoise to emerald green to azure and all colours in between. It’s a perfect place to relax and unwind and you’ve the choice of hiking the picture-perfect countryside around the lake, swimming in its sparkling waters (don’t forget your cozzie!) or kayaking across the border to Kenya. Or all three! It’s a day full of getting up close and personal to one of the greatest (and quietest) treasures of Tanzania.


-Walking tour to the view point, pass crater and river bend cross border to Kenya.

-Hike down to the lake

-Swimming and kayak while explore the lake further.

-Relaxing at the view point


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