Mt. Meru Trekking - 3 Days 2 Night

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 760 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 3 Tage

ount Meru is an active (but dormant) volcano located north of Arusha in Tanzania. At 4562 metres it is Tanzania's second highest mountain and the fourth highest mountain in Africa.

The mountain became well known mainly because it is only 70 km from Mount Kilimanjaro: Mt. Meru has become a popular "warm up" trek for Kilimanjaro climbers.

At 4,566 m Mt Meru is the fifth highest mountain on the African continent and the second highest in Tanzania. About 250,000 years ago, a massive volcanic eruption blew away the entire eastern flank of the mountain and left it with the distinctive appearance it has today. The Mt Meru ascent passes through many different vegetation zones. The dry forest of the lower region changes to a dense mountain rainforest, which then turns into scrubland. Closer to the summit, vegetation becomes less and less and gives way to alpine terrain.

As the vegetation changes so does the wildlife. During the ascent, you might come across large game such as giraffes, buffaloes, baboons, colobus monkeys and antelopes. To be safe, it is obligatory to be accompanied by an armed park ranger on your tour.


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