Cape of Good Hope Peninsula Tour

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 4000 ZAR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

This scenic tour commences from a city centre pick up point where you will be driven in a circular route along Cape Town's iconic coastline. The tour includes stops in Camps Bay, Hout Bay Harbour (optional 45 min boat trip to Duiker Island Cape Fur seal colony), continuing on the 8 km drive along Chapman's Peak Drive - stopping at the look out point, photo opportunities along the route from Noordhoek, Misty Cliffs & Scarborough villages. The highlight is Cape of Good Hope Nature Reserve and the Cape Point lighthouse ( Cape of Storms). The tour continues to Boulders Penguin Sanctuary near Simon's Town. A lunch stop of your choice will be included. A popular fav - "Fish N Chips" in Simons Town or Kalk Bay.

Then return to the pick up point in Cape Town. The cost of R4000 for one to 4 people includes guide fees, transport to and from Cape Town accommodation, Chapmans Peak Toll and bottled water.

Not included are the entry fees to Cape Point, Boulders Penguin Beach with a maximum of 4 in my licensed SUV . Exclusions are: lunch & sundries, Seal Island boat cruise.


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