Sprache Englisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Kosten 130 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 2 Stunden

This is an introduction to the wonders of Florence, a walking tour in the historical centre to enjoy all the main sights, for those who are visiting Florence for the first time.


Piazza del Duomo

Medieval District

Republic Square

Piazza della Signoria

Uffizi Palace

Ponte Vecchio

Santa Croce

We start our adventure in the Religious Centre “PIAZZA DEL DUOMO” where you can admire the breathtaking Cathedral Santa Maria del Fiore (4th largest church in the world), learn the secrets of Brunelleschi’s famous dome and discover the beauty of Giotto’s belltower and St John Baptistery with its golden bronze doors (including the well-known “Porta del Paradiso”).

We continue our tour with a stroll through the ancient MEDIEVAL QUARTER of the city to arrive in REPUBLIC SQUARE, the very city center of Florence since Roman times.

PIAZZA DELLA SIGNORIA is our next stop, this is one of the most renowned and photographed squares in the world. Here you can admire PALAZZO VECCHIO, the political headquarters and one of the symbols of the city for centuries, the replica of Michelangelo’s David right in front of the palace and the square itself which is an open air museum with sculptural masterpieces by Cellini, Giambologna, Ammannati and others.

Passing the UFFIZI courtyard, we continue our guided tour to the River Arno and PONTE VECCHIO, the oldest bridge of the city, famous for the picturesque little goldsmiths’ workshops.

We end our tour in PIAZZA SANTA CROCE.


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