Borjomi - Fortress Rabat - Vardzia

Sprache Englisch, georgisch, Russisch
Kosten 220 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 10 Stunden

Balneological resort Borjomi is located in the southeast of Georgia in the gorge of the river Agura, at an altitude of 800 meters above sea level. This is a picturesque place with broad-leaved and coniferous forests, surrounded by majestic Caucasian mountains.

The resort was especially famous for its mineral springs. The first mention of the mineral waters of Borjomi was made back in the 15th century, but Borzhomi gained wide popularity after the daughter of the tsarist governor Yevgeny Golovin was healed. One of the sources was named in honor of the girl - Catherine, and the second in honor of the governor himself - Evgenyevsky.

- The city of Akhaltsikhe was founded in the 9th century and was originally called Lomsy, the modern name was first mentioned in the 1204th century in one of the chronicles dedicated to two local commanders - Shalva and Ivan Akhaltsikhe.

The city consisted of three parts: in fact, residential quarters, fortress and citadel. The fortress was surrounded by three powerful walls, and connected to the surroundings by a system of tunnels.

Vardzia-Vardzia is located 18 km from Akhalkalaki, in the immediate vicinity of the border with Turkey. The city was created in the XII - XIII centuries during the reign of George III and his daughter Queen Tamara to protect the southern borders of Georgia. Vardzia is not just a cave room, chaotically dug in a steep rock. This is a real multi-storey complex with streets, tunnels and stairs leading past monasteries, temples, fortresses, baths, libraries, residential buildings, etc. In total, over 600 interconnected rooms, which stretch along the mountain for 800 meters, in the depth of the mountain to 50 Meters and a height of eight floors


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