Derry Walls Private Walking Tour.

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 15 GBP für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Stunde

This Derry Walls walking tour will take you through the older history of Derry and the surrounding area. Derry is one of the longest continues used area in Ireland dating back some six thousand years. St Colmcille set his monastery on the island of Doire in 546 before going to Iona in the western isles of Scotland bringing Christianity to Britain. Other areas examined on this tour are Elizabeth I advance into Ulster bringing Anglicization and the Protestant religion. The Irish response to this invasion was the Nine Years War 1594-1603 and ending with the Flight of the Earls in 1607. The Plantation of Ulster brought thousands of English and Scots Protestants to Ulster and the building of the City Walls from 1613. Derry becomes Londonderry under James I and was financed by the Guilds of London where the Guildhall gets it's name. The Siege of Derry, The Fountain Estate, Derry Gaol, Apprentice Boys, Great Hunger and emigration are areas that are covered on this tour also. This walking tour is conducted on Derry's walls while walking the 1.4 km circuit of the walls.


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