KL City and Country Tour (max 5 pax)

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 290 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 1 Tag

Pick up at Kuala Lumpur Hotel

-Merdeka Square & Masjeed Jameek

-Central Market & Chinatown

-National King Palace

-Batu Caves Temple Complex

-Royal Selangor Pewter

-Cultural Show

-Petronas Twin Towers

-KL Forest Eco Park

-KL Tower

-Little India/Brickfields

-Perdana Botanical(Lake) Garden

-Bukit Bintang

-Return to hotel

What included

*FOC food tasting during the tour

*private transport

*parking & tolls

What not included


*Any entrance ticket/fee (if any)


-Rate offers for max 5 pax

-It is allowed to change the route tour if agreed by both parties. Additional charge may apply if the location out of the area or additional hours incurred during the tour, USD15/hr (if any).


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