Carpathian adventure - 5 days

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 400 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 5 Tage

Day 1 :Pick up from the airport. Bucharest city tour (by car) and then transfer to Sinaia. If we have enough time, we’ll visit Peles Castle. If not, we will do it next day.

Accommodation in Sinaia.

Day 2: Transfer by private bus to Busteni (30 min). From Busteni we’ll take the cable car up to the “Bucegi” Plateau (2200 a.s.l.) where are the spectacular formations Babele and the mythical Carpathian Sphinx. Then we’ll walk for about 1.5 hours to the Heroes Cross, a giant monumental cross built at more than 1000m above “Prahova” Valley. After we’ll enjoy the breathtaking view, we’ll turn back, drink a hot tea at Babele hut, then we’ll descend to our hotel (day trekking time - maximum 5 hours). Accomodation at “Pestera” hotel.

Day 3: After breakfast, we’ll take a short visit of Ialomicioara Cave with it’s small secluded hermitage.After we start our trekk along the spectacular canyon, Valea Horoabelor and descend to Moeciu through the Saua Strunga (trekking time 5-6 hours). Accommodation at guesthouse in Moeciu.

Day 4: Today we are going to visit the famous Dracula’s castle. After the visit and the lunch taken in a touristic sheepfold we’ll drive 40 minutes to the beautiful city Brasov.

Here we’ll visit to the historical center and then enjoy the pleasant and relaxing atmosphere ofm the city center.

Day 5: Transfer by private bus to Bucharest Airport (170km - 2-3 hours).

The rate includes:

-transport with private bus

-accommodation in double room (guesthouse, hotel 3-4*)


-romanian guide (english speaking)

-entrance fee to the museum and reserves

The rate not include:

-alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks


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