Gun Galuutai & Black Heart's Blue Lake

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 2952 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 3 Tage

Highlights of this tour; A beautiful landscape, Kherlen river and twin lakes. If you like to hike around out away from busy city this is the right choice for you. Gun Galuut itself is the nature reserve that local based community runs it. The best place to observe birds in marsh as well as twin lakes-famous bird White Napped Crane may seen.

Nature reserve is area designed to create condition for protecting, preserving and restoring certain natural features as well as one of any natural resources and wealth.

Black Heart`s Blue Lake is not only famous among Mongols-where Temuujin seated as king of Great Mongolian Empire and named after Chinggis khan in 1189.

Day1. Gun Galuut Nature Reserve

In the morning after breakfast we will pick you up from your place then drive to Gun Galuut. On the way you will have big chance to stop Chinggis Khaan`s giant statue /The biggest Horse man statue/ take a break there. Lunch at the camp and you have a whole afternoon for exploring around. Stay at the camp.

Day2. Black Heart`s Blue Lake

Full day of excursion through the wilderness take a packed lunch from the camp drive to the Blue lake. It will take you 2-2.5 hours of driving then the staying in nature hiking and wonderings. Stay at the camp beside the lake.

Day3. Ulaanbaatar

After breakfast drive back to UB. Trip ends.


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