Nizwa / Bahla / Jabrin Fort (Day Trip) – “Inspiring Interior” Timing – Full Day

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Kosten 65 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 9 Stunden

Nizwa / Bahla / Jabrin Fort (Day Trip) – “Inspiring Interior”

Timing – Full Day

A journey to the past through the Sumail Gap that divides the Western and Eastern Hajars and onto the Old Capital of Oman, Nizwa, famous for its silver souq and a big round fort. After visiting the souq and the fort, you move to Bahla with the huge loam fort which is under renovation at present. Bahla is also known as the pottery capital of Oman. Because of its cultural value, Bahla is placed in the UNESCO’s list of heritage monuments. Lunch in a local restaurant. Next visit is Jabrin fort, where you will find one of the most magnificent forts of Oman with its painted ceiling, dungeons, and hidden passages. Return to Muscat.

End of the program ,

English speaking guide INCLUDED

( other language + 90 € extra per day)

4*4 car included for up to 4 pax

NO entry fees included

NO lunch included


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