Walking Tour In Alexandria.. walk like an Egyptian

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 25 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 4 Stunden

Many people find walking more fun than being inside a vehicle. Walking in a foreign country is even more fun than being inside the picture, not just watching it. For this kind of tour, I have an entire team of professional local guides specializing in walking tours in Egypt, all for your full excitement and joy.

We welcome whoever's interested in participating: individuals, organizations, travel agencies, or travelers. Walk like an Egyptian is a way to help non-Egyptians see and experience Egypt like a local.

I will meet you In Saad Zaghloul Square in Front Of the Cecil Hotel. Alexandria has it all, starting with Jewish; among the largest synagogues in the Middle East, this magnificent Italian-built structure served Alexandria's once thriving and cosmopolitan Jewish community. The interior features immense marble columns and space for more than 700 people, then we will go to Saint Mark Coptic Orthodox Cathedral, is the historical seat of the Pope of Alexandria, the head of the Coptic Orthodox Church. St. Catherine's Cathedral is the Roman Catholic cathedral of the Apostolic Vicariate in Alexandria, Egypt. Designed by Mario Avena in the Roman Baroque style, it was added. King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy is buried here. See Maronite Church Alexandria. Then, Visit The church of Evangelismos (Annunciation of the Virgin Mary) in Alexandria, a reference point for the historic city and the Greeks. The church is an impressive basilica built in the mid-19th century. See the Mohamed Ali statue in El-Mansheya square & the unknown soldier, then Take you to Souq Turk, which is one of the remnants of markets Ottoman in the city of Alexandria,

Famous shops Moroccans and Jews to be inherited by Egyptians

The market, Known as "Rue Sixes," dates back to the early last century, making it the oldest shopping mall in Africa. As it was initially, it was a stable for horses in the British army. It was called "the Moroccan market" or "Rue Sixes" because of the narrow streets like famous French streets and severe overcrowding. Most of the goods displayed belong to women, but the funny thing is that most sellers of men are not far from the port of Alexandria. After this, go to mosques square, including the famous Abu al-Abbas mosque, then take panoramic photos of the citadel and rest with some refreshments with a sea view In a Local Old Café. Finally, you will be back at our meeting point.

Price Is 25 USD Per Person In A Group From 2 To 9




Approx. 4-5 hours

Pickup Time:

10:00 am - we can change the time to suit you.


• Tour as mentioned with a private expert guide

• Egyptian drink at a local coffee house (tea, coffee, or soft drink)

• Excluded

• Tipping

• Any extras not mentioned in the program


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