Exotic Kashmir Tour

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 250 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 4 Tage

Exotic Kashmir

03 Nights / 04 Days



Upon arrival meet and greet transfer to hotel after wash and change you will have a sightseeing tour of Srinagar will visit Mughal Gardens (Nishat and Shalimar Garden), Botanical Garden – is another marvelous garden up on the hill then visit the Pari Mahal (Palace of Fairies). Evening enjoys the Shikara Ride around the Dal-Lake where you will visit the Golden Lake, Nehru Park, and Floating Markets. Stay overnight in Srinagar.


Today you will have the same day trip to Pahalgam the valley of Shepheard’s en-route visits the ancient temple in Awantipur which was built by Pandavas and drive pass by Pampore which has the largest Saffron fields here you can get the best quality of Saffron, Honey, and dry fruits. Then we will proceed further will drive pass by the Apple Orchids fields. On arrival in Pahalgam, you will have a Horse/Pony rides to explore the beauty of Pahalgam. Thereafter you will have a lunch break and explore the valley.

And If you wish to have the excursions to Chandanwari, Betaab Valley, and Aru Valley on additional cost around INR.2500 to INR.3000. Afternoon drive back to Srinagar stays overnight in Srinagar.


Today you will have the same day trip to Gulmarg the valley of Meadows en-route enjoy the view of Rice and Mustard fields. On arrival, you will have a pony/sledge ride from the parking lot up to the Gondola boarding point. Thereafter enjoy the beauty of Gulmarg visit the Khilanmarg by Gondola Ride at the top of phase-2 enjoy the view and beauty of Khilanmarg. Here you can do the other snow activities like snowboarding, snow ski, snow bikes, etc. on a direct payment basis. Lunch in Gulmarg in a local restaurant explore the valley and walk around. Afternoon drive back to Srinagar stays overnight in Srinagar.


Today you will have a departure transfer from houseboat to the airport for flight to your onward destinations.

Cost for 01 person US$ 215

Cost for 02 persons US$ 255

Cost for 03 persons US$ 305

Cost for 04 persons US$ 415

Cost for 05 persons US$ 465

Cost for 06 persons US$ 520


03 Nights / 04 Days Kashmir Exotic Tour Package.

Airport pickup and drop-offs in Srinagar.

Assistance on arrival and departure.

Air-conditioned sedan vehicle (1 to 3 persons) for 4 days as per the itinerary.

Air-conditioned Toyota Innova vehicle (4 to 6 persons) for 4 days as per the itinerary.

All sightseeing tours and excursions as per the itinerary.

03 Nights’ accommodation.

02 Nights’ accommodation in 3-star category hotels.

01 Night accommodation in a deluxe Houseboat.

Accommodation on twin sharing and triple sharing basis as per the number of pax.

Accommodation with breakfast and dinner.

Shikara Ride in the Dal-Lake for one hour.

Drivers expenses.

Fuel charges, parking fees, toll, and taxes.

All applicable taxes.

Monument entrance tickets in Srinagar.

English speaking guide.


Food and drinks.

Personal expenditures.

Pony/Horse/Sledge rides in Pahalgam and Gulmarg.

Excursion to Chandanwari, Betaab Valley, and Aru Valley in Pahalgam.

Guide services.

Flight tickets.


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