Full Day Mumbai Sightseeing Tour

Sprache Englisch, hindi
Kosten 200 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

Mumbai is a vibrant, bustling city situated along the western coast of India, on the edge of the Arabian Sea. Formerly known as Bombay, the city is made up of seven connected islands and boasts a population that exceeds 21 million; it is among the world’s fastest-growing cities. As the business and financial capital of India, all the major financial institutions, banks and stock exchanges are based here. Mumbai is also home to the glamour and intrigue of Bollywood, India’s renowned movie industry.

To truly experience Mumbai, all one has to do is wander through the myriad neighborhoods and markets alive with the sights and sounds of this unique city. This multicultural metropolis is characterized by an eclectic mix of traditional huts and skyscrapers, age-old customs and modern traditions – capturing the spirit of change and diversity that is India today...


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