Siem Reap Temple with Sunrise 1-Day Tour

Sprache Chinesisch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 35 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Tag


You will have an Indiana Jones experience to explore temples with this amazing tour.

Full day sunrise tour to Angkor Park

View the sunrise in Angkor Wat

See South Gate of Angkor Thom ( Biggest and Last City of Khmer Empire )

Visit Bayon temple right in the middle of the city with smiling faces

Have Lunch in Angkor Park

Explore Angkor Wat by the afternoon

Morning tour:

Your day starts at 5:00 am from Siem Reap, where we’ll start our journey; the first stop will be to buy the required one-day pass. Then we’ll continue and see our first temple, Angkor Wat, as we marvel at this beautiful temple we’ll wait to see the sunrise behind the temple which provides one the most stunning views. Approximately 8 o’clock we’ll have a break for breakfast.

You can bring your own breakfast or perhaps enjoy freshly prepared food from many of the local restaurants close by. We’ll continue our journey to explore more temples such as the South Gate of Angkor Thom, Prasat Bayon, Prasat Baphuon, Prasat Phimeanakas, Elephant and Leper king terraces. 12:30 pm we’ll stop for lunch, which we’ll only allow approximately 30-45 minutes

Afternoon tour:

In the afternoon around 1 pm, we’ll head off to see Prasat Thommanon and Prasat Chau Say Tevoda, Prasat Ta Keo, Prasat Ta Prohm, Prasat Banteay Kdei, Srah Srang, and Prasat Kravan. Ending our day around afternoon time in Siem Reap city.


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