Angkor Wat-Sunrise in Small Circuit (25-30 km)

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch
Kosten 35 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Tag

Angkor Wat-Sunrise in Small Circuit (25-30 km)


Full-day bike riding tour of Angkor Wat, from Siem Reap, Cambodia

See the sun rise over Angkor Wat in the early roster-crow nearby the Buddhist Monastery

Stop for Breakfast after sunrise

Watch ancient monuments such as South Gate of Angkor Thom, Prasat Chrung, West Gate of Angkor Thom, Prasat Bayon with hundreds of smiling faces and Prasat Ta Prom on foot and by bike

Our lunch included and relax in the hammock restaurant

Keep your energy up with the provided, snacks, fresh fruit and cold water

Includes round-trip hotel

What You Can Expect!

Morning: Your cycling tour starts at 5:00 am, transfer by TUK TUK to purchase an Angkor Pass Ticket upon entry to the archaeological park. Escorted by our tour guide to view the sunrise in Prasat Angkor Wat, walk over the rainbow bridge, access the giant gate of Angkor Wat, where your guide will pick up the perfect spots to see the dawn break, watch the sunrise behind the biggest religion temple ( Angkor Wat), to provide the most stunning of silhouettes. Even in the wet season, this is a magical time to see Angkor Wat sunrise. As the early crowds less, takes a best opportunity to walk through the temple, where the morning light and cool temperatures present Angkor Wat at its best. After a delicious breakfast spread, takes the TUK TUK back get fitted with your quality mountain bike and helmet for a short ride to visit a local market in Angkor Park, provided just outside the temple area in peaceful surroundings. the rest of your day is spent riding around hidden back trails past ruins in the Angkor complex. With your guide, visit some of the best-kept secrets and premier sites including the South Gate of Angkor Thom completely replica on Naga Bridge, right on the corner of Prasat Chrung, take some nice pictures at West Gate of Angkor Thom, view the site of Prasat Bayon with hundreds of smiling faces, the Elephant Terrace , and Prasat Ta Prohm with Tomb Raider Movie was filmed. Afternoon: As the day heats up, stop for lunch by a small reservoir called Sra Srang enjoy the traditional Khmer Cuisine. Then return to Siem Reap by bike to where you start your cycling journey, with drop-off at your hotel in the afternoon.


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