Issyk-Kul lake tour and Burana Tower

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 250 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 12 Stunden

See the second largest alpine lake in the world with this excursion to Lake Issyk-Kul. You'll also visit the famous Burana tower and enjoy the nature of Issyk-Kul lake. If we will have time we can have 1-hour sailing on steamboat

We'll pick you up from your hotel in Bishkek at 8 am to start an excursion to Lake Issyk-Kul and the Burana Tower

Duration: 2 hours

Admission Ticket Free

We are going to reach our first stop of the day: the famous Burana Tower, approximately and one-half drive away. Once there, we'll start exploring the area to discover the history of this place. If you wish, you can even climb to the top of the tower, 25 meters above the ground! Not only that, but we'll also see the sculptures of the balbals, what could these curiously carved stones be

Duration: 1 hour

Admission Ticket Included

After finishing the tour around Burana tower we are going to drive to the Food zone to have lunch. This is going to be a buffet lunch.

Duration: 1 hour

Admission Ticket Included

We'll arrive at a lakeside where you can enjoy the beautiful views of the mountains and take nice photos. If you go on the excursion during July or August, you can also swim in the Issyk-Kul lake.

Duration: 1 hour

Admission Ticket Free

Arrive to Bishkek and drop off in your Hotel

Duration: 3 hours

Admission Ticket Free


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