6 days Amboseli/Tsavo west/Tsavo East luxury safari

Sprache Afrikaans
Kosten 1800 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 6 Tage

6 Days Amboseli /Tsavo West/Tsavo East luxury lodge safari

6 Days Nairobi bound lodge wildlife safari visiting the foot hills of

Mt.Kilimanjaro – Amboseli, Tsavo West National Park, Chyulu Hills, Mzima

Springs, Tsavo East National Park, Lugards Falls, Mudanda Rocks, Aruba

Dam, Mombasa. beach holiday. Tsavo Safaris, Nairobi amboseli safaris,

mombasa safaris, Amboseli lodge safaris, tsavo lodge safaris, amboseli

Wildlife Safaris Kenya.

Day: 1 Nairobi – Amboseli National park

Pick up from Airport and drive to Amboseli via Emali to reach Amboseli in good time for lunch. Lunch at a lodgefollowedby full afternoon game drives. Dinner at kibosafaricamp

Amboseli Park (at 392 sq km) is the second most popular park in Kenya

after Maasai Mara, mainly due to the spectacular backdrop of Mt.

Kilimanjaro on the southern boundary.

Day 2: Amboseli National park

Today you will spend the full day in Amboseli with early morning and

evening game drives. Whilst in the park, you will have the opportunity to

photograph the animals against the wonderful backdrop of Mount

Kilimanjaro. All meals and overnight will be at your camp.

Day 3: Amboseli – Tsavo West National park

After an early breakfast depart for Tsavo West National Park which lies

roughly half way between Nairobi and the Coast. Mzima Springs, the chief

marvel here is a favorite haunt of hippos and crocodiles. Arrival at your

Ngulia safari lodge will be in time for lunch. An early eveninggame drive

to see large herds of elephants, buffalo, common waterbuck,eland, rhino

and wide variety of antelope. Return to the lodge.

Day 4: Tsavo West – Tsavo East National park

We depart the lodge soon after breakfast and proceed to Tsavo East

National park. Game is viewed as we exit the park. Dinner and overnight

stay at Voi safari lodge.

This park was famed for its large herds of elephant covered in red dust

and fine scenery. We visit the scenic Lugards Falls, Mudanda Rocks

(attracts elephants in the drier season) and Aruba Dam as we view game if

time permits. Dinner and overnight stay at the lodge.

Day 5: Tsavo East National park.

Full day spent exploring the park. Morning and afternoon game drives are

offered. Dinner and overnight stay at the lodge.

The landscape in Tsavo East is flatter and drier, despite having one of

Kenya’s largest rivers flowing through the middle. Much of the wildlife

isconcentrated on the Galana River, which has plentiful crocs and

hippos.Likewise, Kudus, waterbucks and dik-diks are common along the river


Day 6 Tsavo East – Nairobi

Early morning game drive. Soon after breakfast we proceed to Nairobi

arriving at 1400 hrs.Drop off at the airport for onward flight back home.

Safari price Includes:

-Transport on custom made 8 seater tour van ideal for game viewing and


-Full board accommodation whilst on safari

-Accommodation in double room

-All park entrance fees to include government taxes

-Service of an English speaking professional driver/guide

-All game drives as detailed in the itinerary-

- Complimentary return airport transfers

-Bottled water whilst on safari

-Start and end in Nairobi.

-Personalized service

safari price excludes:

-Tips -Laundry


-International flights


-Items of a personal nature

-Any other extras not detailed in

-Hotel accommodations in Nairobi before and after the safari


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