Cairo Over Day Tour Architectural heritage

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Italienisch, Russisch, Spanisch
Kosten 65 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 6 Stunden

In the heart of Cairo, a street called El Darb el Ahmar, this street full of Islamic monuments you will really feel like you find Islamic architectural treasures. Enjoy watching see mosques, houses, palaces, mausoleums, collages, one of Cairo's gates, and part of ancient Cairo.

Leave modern life with its technology, and boring life let`s go on this Islamic Cairo tour to go back in history hundreds of years. Here is where the time machine stopped since the Middle Ages.

In the heart of Cairo, a street called El Darb el Ahmar, this street full of Islamic monuments you will really feel like you find Islamic architectural treasures. There you will see mosques, houses, a palace, mausoleums, a collage, and one of Cairo's gates.

All of this besides visiting the handicrafts market, and enjoying having your lunch in a good quality restaurant in el Azhar park which is considered one of the most impressive gardens in Cairo.

Tour included:

Pick up services from your hotel and return.

All transfers are by a private air-conditioned vehicle.

Private English-speaking Egyptologist guide.

Lunch meal at a quality local restaurant in Cairo.

Bottled water on board the vehicle during the tour.

All taxes and service charges.

Tour excluded:

Entrance fees to all the mentioned sites.



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