02 Days / Trip to Bago and Kyaikhtiyo from Yangon

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 120 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage

During this two days trip, we will visit Kyaikhtiyo, one of the most significant pilgrimages site near Yangon and stop at Bago to see some religious sites and some remains of its old palace.

Start Time: 8:00 AM

Pick up/ drop off points: Your hotel in Yangon /your suggested location

Day 1 Yangon – Bago - Kyaikhtiyo

Meet you at the lobby of your hotel in Yangon, and then drive Bago, the old royal city of second Myanmar Empire. Start your sightseeing in Bago with Kyaik pun, the four gigantic Buddha images all the sitting in crossed legs and next go to ShweTharLaung, one of beautiful reclining Buddha image.

Then drive for another two hours to Kun Pun Basecamp. At this base camp, you will have to change Public truck used for 11 km hilly road which leads to the upper bus terminal on the top of the mountain. From there, it takes 15 minutes to walk to reach KyaikHtiyo.It is the small stupa built on the large boulder and partly hanging over the gorge. It was widely accepted that the stone keeps its balance due to the three strands of Buddha hair relic enshrined inside the rock.

Stay overnight at Kyaikhtiyo /Kinpun Base camp.

Day 2 Kyaikhtiyo - Bago - Yangon

Descend from the top of the mountain in the open public truck again. Then drive back to Bago. Then visit Kanbawzathardi Palace, the replica of old Royal Palace of King Bayin Naung (1555-1581) and Shwemawdaw stupa, built initially by Mon people with the height of 23m in 8thcentury and raided up to 114 mm in 1954.

Then head back to Yangon.


-Any accommodation arrangements are not included

-Meals and drinks are not included

-Clients are responsible to arrange for private transportation,

-The tour is customizable according to your own needs.


The other expenses that you have to use are for

- Accommodation at one night in Kyaikhtiyo/Kin pun base camp

- The rental fee for private car

-ticket for the public truck to Kyaikhtiyo (5000 MMK/person)

- Bago Zone Fee (10000 MMK/person),

- Kyaikhtio Zone Fee (10000 MMK/person)

- Personal expenses


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