Sightseeing tour of Doha

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Polieren, Portugiesisch, Spanisch, ukrainisch
Kosten 350 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 4 Stunden

Katara - An ethnic village where you can see the Amphitheater built of marble, taste the national tea Karak, see the blue and gold mosques, as well as many interesting things

Pearl - Pearl, an artificial island. Where you can see little Venice, there are also islands with boutiques, restaurants and marinas.

Souk Waqif - Bazaar in Arabic style. Where you can see horses, falcons, camels, shops with spices, souvenirs and sweets

Musherib District - Doha City Centre is a developing area with modern architecture, gleaming white mosques and a group of historical museums housed in elegant Arabic-style mansions (museums are closed on Sunday)

A private sightseeing tour costs $350 per car from 1 to 6 people in the car

Excursions for groups of 7 to 12 people cost $600 per group.

An excursion for a group of 13 to 20 people costs $900 per group.

The price includes water, guide work, transport.

Tickets are not included in the price of the tour.


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