Sprache Englisch
Kosten 1350 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 1 Woche 6 Tage

Day 1: Start from Tehran or Isfahan to Maranjab desert. Visit salt lake, Wonder Island, Maranjab Caravanserai (Abbasi Caravanserai) and walking on sand dunes. Stay overnight in Caravanserai or Camp out in desert. (D)

Day 2: Travel to Abouzeyd Abad, Badrud and Zavareh desert area visit camel convoy if we were lucky, ride to Ardestan and visit Qanat of Ardestan which was recently registered in UNESCO heritage list, then ride to Aqda, a nice village in desert. Stay overnight in a guesthouse. (B.D)

Day 3: Travel to Yazd visit a complex of ancient water reservoir of Ahmad Abad, Chack-Chak fire temple and ancient village of Kharanaq on the way. Stay overnight in a hotel in Yazd. (B)

Day 4: Visit tower of silence, Dowlat Abad garden, Amir Chakhmaq Sq, Jameh mosque and Bazaar of Yazd. Stay overnight in a hotel in Yazd. (B)

Day 5:Travel to Meymand rocky village with 10000 years history, which is registered in UNESCO heritage list, But we have some stop on the way to visit ancient Jameh mosque of Fahraj one of oldest mosque of Iran and Sar Yazd castle which belongs to Sassanid era. Stay overnight in a rocky house in Meymand. (B.D)

Day 6: Ride to Mahan and visit Shazdeh Garden (surrounded by desert) travel toward Shahdad. Stay overnight in a guesthouse in Shahdad. (B.D)

Day 7: Visit Lut desert (registered in UNESCO heritage list) the most amazing desert of Iran and one of the hottest places in the world, visit Kaluts and salty river. Ride to Rayen, visit Arg-e Rayen (Rayen Citadel). Ride back to Kerman and visit Ganjalikhan complex (an old public bath) with its wax sculptures and old bazaar of Kerman. Stay overnight in Kerman in a hotel. (B)

Day 8: Travel to Tabas, on the way visit an old Caravanserai and Naiband a village surrounded by palm trees. Stay overnight in a Guesthouse in Tabas. (B.D)

Day 9: Travel to khur, Visit salt lake on the way, Visit Garmeh oasis, ride to a remotest village in central desert of Iran with 2 person population. Stay overnight in a guesthouse in this village. (B.L.D)

Day 10: Travel to Anarak, on the way will visit Choopanan a beautiful village with wind tower on the roof of houses. Take some photos and continue to Anarak a short stop there and drive to a off-road route toward a remote village and enjoy the silence and scenery of the area. Stay overnight in a guesthouse in this village. (B.L.D)

Day 11: Drive toward Naieen visit historical Jame mosque of Naieen. Travel to Varzaneh desert village. Hiking through sand hills and visiting Gav Chah (system of irrigation by bull), camel mill, pigeon tower and salt lake. Stay overnight in a guesthouse or camp in the middle of sand dunes. (B.L.D)

Day 12: Drive toward Isfahan. Visit historical bridges, Naghshe Jahan square the second biggest square in the world, palaces of Safavid dynasty and Esfahan bazaar. (B)

Day 13: departure, Transfer to the airport. (B)

Tour Services:

4nights accommodation in 3* or 4* hotels

13 Breakfast + 3 Launch+ 8 Dinner + Bottled water

8nights accommodation in guesthouses in desert

13 days transportation with an air-conditioned 4WD car all across mentioned destinations

Experienced English spoken driver guide for 13 days

All mentioned attractions’ entrance fees and permits

Tour group size: 2 pax


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