Hidden Treasures Tour - Staircases, rooftops, courtyards, - tales, styles, stories.

Sprache Englisch, rumänisch
Kosten 165 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 4 Stunden

Downtown Pest can only be explored properly on foot. Let me take you for an easy walk and you’ll feel the vibe of Budapest! With this tour I would like to show a bit more details and help you to find the hidden treasures of the city center and tell you some frightening stories, urban legends and secrets of the capital. These places are usually left out from the guidebooks, and even inhabitants have no clue about them. The places are from the time, when Budapest grew from a small town to a great metropolis. Let’s feel the city’s ambiance!


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