A day with the Original settlers in Cameroon.

Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 4660 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 4 Tage

Discover the pygmies living in harmony with the wild.

Day 1: Yaounde- Kribi:

Breakfast, we shall have a stop at the ElogBatindi to visit the pygmy camp, experience their life style dance, hunting skills and visit to the traditional pygmy’s healer admire them as they dance, continuation to Kribi and arrival, diner and night in hotel.

Day 2: breakfast in hotel and travel to lobe in the morning to watch the lobe fall, tasting of shrimp served at the beach, have a walk and bath, canoe rides and continuation to campo with a brief stop at grand Betanga to the batanga museum and at Ebandja to visit the fisherman village; Ebodje village; a site for the protection of the marine tortoise, visit of the tortoise museum the mystical wolf rock (a rock which has the looks of a wolf) , canoe rides, relaxation , diner and night in Ebodje lodge.

Day 3: EBODJE -Campo Ma’an National park- Kribi.

Breakfast in the morning and departure to Campo Ma’an National park, arrival and Guided visit in the park to view diverse flora and fauna species like Elephant, Buffalo, gorilla, Chimpanzee, birds return to Kribi and night.

Day 4: breakfast, relaxation at the beach while listning to the storey about the legendary King Madola. Departure for Yaounde.

End of tour! * Price include the following: Lodging, feeding,Vehicle, fuel , toll, traditional dance, admission tickets,canoe rides ,tour leader, local guide, bottles of water. * Price does not include the following: International flight, Camera,Video Camera, drinks, tips , personal expenses.


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