4Days/3Nights to discover Dja Biosphere reserve at the heart of the Baka Pygmy in the South Cameroonian Plateau.

Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 6350 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 4 Tage

The Dja Biosphere reserved was classified by UNESCO as a wold’s heritage site due to it diversity. Day1 : Yaounde-Ayos-Somalomo. Early in the morning departure for Somalomo with a stop at Ayos to visit the Dr. Eugene Jamir’s Centre and the tree used by him to treat the sleeping sickness patients, lunch and continuation to Somalomo , arrival and camp in the reserve. Day2: Somalomo -Abong-Mbang. Early rise with the singing of birds . A day in the reserve to view games like buffalos, elephants, baboons, chimpanzees, gorillas, ..,and then departure towards the evening to Abong-Mbang. Arrival, diner and night. Day3: Abong-Mbang-Ayos-Bertoua. Breakfast fast and visit to the Pygmy camp, Have an experience with them as they display by singing and dancing their traditional dance, revealing their hunting and their therapeutic skills and departure for Bertoua, arrival, diner and night. Day4: Bertoua-Yaounde . Early in the morning breakfast and City tour, visit of the Pygmy camp at mayos, lunch and return to Yaounde. * Price for this tour include the following : Lodging, feeding, private transportation and fuel, traditional dance, activities with the Pygmy,Admission ticket, Tour leader, Local guide, bottles of water, toll ... * Price does not include the following : personal expenses, drinks, Camera, Video Camera, tips, binoculars, * Minimum notice for this tour is one month and half of the sum is paid one month before the tour date while the rest is paid prior to departure. If you are less than four in number the price automatically reduces. Thank you.


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