SAFARI Photos in the North of Cameroon.

Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 4100 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 5 Tage

Day-1: Yaounde-Ngaoundere-Bouba Njidda National Park.

Depature from Yaounde Hotel by train to Ngaoundere diner and breakfast in the train. Arrival in Ngaoundere, departure for Bouba Ndjidda National park which is midway between the town of Garoua and Ngaoundere in about 2h35mins drive.

Check-in at the lodge, and diner in the lodge restaurant .

Day-2: Bouba Ndjidda-Bouba-Njidda

Breakfast, visit of the National park of Bouba Ndjida which covers a surface area of 220 000ha biggest park in Cameroon for the whole day viewing and safari photos of lions, horse, antilopes, waterbucks, harte beest, Buffon’kobs, buffalos, hyenas, elephants and many others. Lunch in the restaurant continuation of the visit, return to the lodge, diner and night.

Day-3: Bouba-Njidda-Rey Bouba Lamidat- Lagone bleu-Garoua.

Departure to visit the Lagdo dam and lake, passing through Rey Bouba Lamidat, lunch in « Lagone Bleu » visit of the Madagascar island and the village of the fishers. Way to Garoua, arrival and visit of the river Benue, viewing of hippopotamus, way to the hotel arrival and check-in to the hotel diner and night

DAY-4: Garoua-Ngaoundere-Yaounde . Breakfast and departure for Ngaoundere arrival in Ngaoundere, city tour of Ngaoundere, of mostly pastoal Fulanis who overided the original settlers who where the Mbums. visit of the market place, visit of the Lamido compound, lunch in the restaurant, departure for Yaounde, diner and breakfast in the train.


Arrival in Yaounde, Hotel day use, lunch and transfer to the airport.

End of service.

N.B. The price include the following:


*fullboard feeding + a bottle of water daily

* First classTrain transportation to and fro

* Air conditioned transportation+ driver +petrol

* professional Guide

*local Guide

*entrance fees.

The price does not include the folowing:




-telephone fees


-travel insurance

-International flight

-visa fees, airport tax.

Make sure you come along with face caps, anti mosquitoes rubs, relaxed dressing in long sleeves and tenis , pullovers for cold nights. Thank you.


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