Happy weekend along the black sandy beach of Limbe.

Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 1450 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 3 Tage

Day-1 Friday : Yaounde-Douala -Tiko-Limbe. Departure from Hotel for Limbe passing through Douala, Tiko to Limbe. Arrival at the Hotel Seme beach, check-in. Relaxation, diner and night in Hotel.

Day-2 Saturday :

Breakfast, and departure for the west coast passing through Bakingili with possibility of viewing the old remnants of the volcanic eruptionof 1999, then through Debunscha, known to be the wettest place in west Africa,then arrival at the active port of Idenau ,visit of the fishermen drying fish.

Return to Hotel,lunch, and visit to the zoo to view preserved wildlife like chimpanzees, gorillas.. then to the Botanic garden which has about 1500 closely planted trees known to be the paradise for bird watching, and within this garden, visit of the old cemetery and there after, relaxation along the beach. Diner and night in same Hotel.

* Day-3 Sunday :

Breakfast, visit to the Bimbia slave trade village, departure to Buea which is the head quarter of the South West Region of Cameroon, is situated at 1100m above the sea level, passing through Tole tea plantation, City tour in Buea viewing of the coonial structures, Residence of the German Governor Von puttkamer, viewing of the active mount Cameroon volcano of height reaching 4100m, which was termed as the “Chariot of the gods” in the 5th century by the Carthaginians explorer Hanno, with great plantations at the foot of the Mountain. Viewing of the purely English speaking University of Buea .

Return to Yaounde, arrival in the night and end of services.

N.B. price include the following:

*Lodging twin bed.

*fullboard feeding + a bottle of water

*Transportation+ driver+petrol

* toll gate

*professional Guide

*local Guide

* entrances


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