Exceptional discovery of the wild, the pygmées , in the coastal town of Kribi

Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 2050 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 3 Tage

* Day-1 Friday :

Departure for Kribi from Hotel 4h16mins drive over 285km passing through Pouma,Edea, Dizangue, Fifinda to Kribi while viewing the luxuriant vegetation of Palmtrees and coconuts along the way.

Arrival in the evening and check-in and installation in Hotel. Admiring the beautiful soft, white and deserted beach of Kribi with rows of coconut just like that of the Polynesian and the active port originally constructed by the Germans which is an oil pipeline terminal point between Doba in Chad and Cameroon. It is also fascinating to see on this port the transport of log and cocoa. Diner and night in Hotel.

* Day-2 Saturday :

After breakfast, briefing and transfer to the Lobe fall, visit of the fishermen village and takeoff for the pygmies who live in the forest who are known to be the original settlers of Kribi in the Ocean Division South of Cameroon. They were later pushed to the forest by the Batangas and the Baokos. These Pygmies have not altered their original lifestyles and the enjoy taking Travelers for hunting, showing them their hunting tools and skills, while displaying their impressive knowledge of healings with plants . Their doctors are reputed Nationwide.

Return to the Lobe fall, a taste of the fresh lobsters at the banks . Relaxation, bathing and return to Hotel , diner and night.

* Day-3 Sunday :

Bathing, breakfast, visit to Campoma’an National park which covers 264064 ha with abut 1500 plants and 1213 variety of Fauna species noted for a wide variety of wildlife , ; chimpanzee; gorilla, elephant,antelopes, leopards,buffalos..

Return to Kribi for City tour, visit of the market, and return to Yaounde.

Arrival and end of services:

N.B. The price is liable to changes due to interest.

The price comprised;

- air-conditioned vehicle+driver+petrol,


-full board feeding, + a bottle of water

- visites,

- Professional and

-local Guide,

-toll gate,

-entrance fees.


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