Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 3000 ZAR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

This tour combine a visit to Robben Island, Table Mountain and the history of the city.

#Robben Island is an important heritage site in the South Africa history. It is the place where the icon Nelson Mandela was jailed while fighting the apartheid regime. A three hours tour done by a former political prisoner will explain to you all about this memorable island.

Table mountain was chosen as seventh wonder of nature. It is a gift from God to Cape Town. The guide will take you via the cable car till to the top. It is the recommended way to see the beauty of the city.

Boo kaap, green market square, castle of good hope and more will be added to this tour for you to have a better understanding of our beautiful town.

Price exclude entrance fees

Include mineral water, guide


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