Yangon City Tour (2/Day)

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 300 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 2 Tage

Yangon City Tour and Circular Train and Dala by Trishaw.

Day 1: Yangon City Tour

-The tour begins with a visit of Sule Pagoda. From the Sule Pagoda, we will stroll around to see ways of life of Local People and100-year-old colonial buildings: City Hall, High Court, Central Park, Telegraph Office, Commercial Banks, General Post Office, Strand Hotel and British Council. Keep walking up to old Armenia Church. Stroll around local Markets.

-Then you will be taken to Chaukhtetgyi is a quite temple which houses a beautiful reclining Buddha whose crown is encrusted with diamonds and precious stones.

-Let's stroll around the Kandawgyi, a natural lake. You wil enjoy the pleasant view of Majestic Shwedagon Pagoda.

- Bo Gyoke Aung San Market (Scot Market) built by Mr. Scot in 1927 is still running with over two thousands shops.

-The tour is going to end with a visit to the majestic bejeweled Shwedagon Pagoda, the most precious and sacred pagoda in Myanmar.

Day-2: Circular Train & Dala Tour by Trishaw.

-Circular Train for one hour & Colorful morning Local Market & White Elephent Camp.

-World Biggest Marble Buddha Image.

- Kalaywatawya Monastery at Lunch time to see the Monastic life.

-China Town & India Quarter

-Local Ferry boat to Dala and Tour by Trishaw.

-Soft walking around fishing village.

-Bamboo House area.

-Spring Roll leaf Making.

-Candle light Making.

-Study Tour around City.


-Private Guide Service.

-A/C car with a tour driver.

-Airport transfer or hotel pick up

-Fuel, parking fee

-purified drinking water


-meals, entrance fee.

-ferry fee to Dala

-Trishaw fee in Dala

and other personal expenses.


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