Half-day tour to Mtskheta

Sprache Englisch, Russisch
Kosten 100 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 4 Stunden

This is a private tour (Visiting Jvari and Svetitskhoveli Monastery, then offering guests a special place to have lunch in the open by the river in Armazi with fantastic rope wooden bridge hanging over it.). Only you will participate. Transfer (vehicle and driver) and guide included in this price. During this tour, we'll drive to Mtskheta, the early capital of Georgia. You’ll visit two UNESCO World Heritage sites located in this small town. First stop is Jvari Monastery dating back to 6th century AD. Standing on the top of the hill, it overlooks the town of Mtskheta and the confluence of two rivers Aragvi and Mtkvari.

The second stop is Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, which is one of the most sacred places in whole Georgia and is said to have Christ’s robe preserved in it.

After two main sights, on your request, the driver will take you to a place to have lunch in Mtskheta in the open or transfer you to Tbilisi. Much like its landscape, the food here is very diverse. Even though the cuisine is mainly meat and dough-based, there are vegetarian🥦🥒🌶️🌽🥕🍅🥝🍒🍓🥪🍝 options too. Kindly, mind it, that meals are not included in the price.


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