Rincón de la Vieja Volcano Hike

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 130 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 10 Stunden

This is the only active volcano located in the volcanic mountain range of Guanacaste. Join us on a guided natural history tour on the Las Pailas trail, located on the slopes of the volcano. The trail is well maintained and its length is approximately 2.17 miles (3.5 kilometers), however, it is of moderate difficulty. On this tour, you will have the opportunity to experience volcanic activity such as water caldron (paila), boiling mud caldrons, and fumes. The walk lasts approximately 2.3 hours.

The national park has an extension of a primary forest rich in biodiversity, home to a lot of wildlife, so it is an activity recommended for nature lovers.

Just outside the national park you can visit the Oropéndola waterfall and swim a little (It depends on weather conditions), if it is not possible to swim you can visit the waterfall to take pictures. During the rainiest months inside the park, a waterfall is formed (Stationary), and you can see it making a short detour on the Las Pailas trail.

On the way back to the hotel, a stop to shop for souvenirs will be included.

Tour Duration: Full day


Bilingual guide, Transportation with AC, Lunch, Ticket to the National Park and Water

What to Bring

Mask, Hiking shoes, Hat, Binoculars, Repellent, Sunscreen, Swimwear, Sunglasses, Extra clothes to change , Poncho Rain, Money, and Snacks.


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