Sprache Englisch
Kosten 4800 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 1 Woche 3 Tage

The Central Serengeti and the Seronera River Valley is good to visit throughout the year due to its year-round water supplies from the river valleys. The migration passes northwards through the region from mid-April to late June. This area is where most large hotels are and in turn, sees a large number of visitors.

The southern Serengeti is the true vastness of the park. The plains extend from southern Seronera into the Ngorongoro conservation area. This region is best visited during the migration which crosses the area from November to March. The wildebeest calving season falls during February and thousands of wildebeest are born every day for a period of two weeks.

Day 1: arrival in Arusha

Arrive Kilimanjaro and transfer to Arusha at Ilboru Safari Lodge. The rest of the day is free to relax and recover from your flight, laze by the pool or explore the town.

Day 2: Arusha to Lake Manyara National Park

After your breakfast, start your safari by driving to lush and beautiful Manyara National Park for game viewing. At 1300 hrs take your lunch in the park picnic area, evening drive to Lake Manyara at NsiyaTented Lodge/ Panorama Lodge for dinner and overnight.

Day 3: Lake Manyara to Serengeti National Park

Morning breakfast at Panorama Lodge. Game drive enroute to the great Serengeti Plains via Ngorongoro Conservation Area. After a picnic lunch proceed with your game drive in the central Serengeti national park around Seronera or trace the direction of the migration.

Dinner and Overnight Ikoma Bush Tented Lodge.

Day 4: A full day game drive in Serengeti National Park

Depending on the time of the year and the migration of the herds you can expect to see wildebeest, lions, elephants, giraffe, zebras, Monkey, baboons, hippos, rhinos, antelopes as well as a multitude of birds. Evening drive to Mapito Tented Lodge.

Day 5: another full day game drive in the Southern of Serengeti

After breakfast we will take the packed lunch with us and proceed with the game drive in the Serengeti National Park. The migration can be seen on a long chain approximately 40 Km heading to the south western direction. Around 1230 and 1300 break for your lunch. After having our lunch we will proceed with our game viewing following the move of the migrants on the southwest of the park. Approximately 1.3 million wildebeest, 250,000 gazelles and 200,000 Zebras have been recorded sharing the short grass.

Dinner and overnight at Dumila Tented Camp

Day 6: Full day Game drives on Northern Serengeti

Spend the precious 2 days on Northern Serengeti following the migration & the crossing. You may start as early as you wish 06:30 is the sun rise. An early Morning game drive allows you to see some predators coming back from their long night of hunting and other animals coming out from their hiding place or a group of lioness organizing an ambush or eating along the road. Overnight at Serengeti Kogatende Lodge.

Day 7: Serengeti to Ngorongoro

An early morning game drive in the Serengeti followed by picnic lunch on the way to Ngorongoro crater. We will stop at Olduvai Gorge, the site of Louis and Mary Leakey’s renowned archaeological discoveries. Their findings include some of man’s earliest known ancestral remains.

Dinner and overnight at Rhino Lodge.

Day 8: Ngorongoro Crater

Today we will descend 2000 feet (over 600 meters) to the floor of the Ngorongoro Crater for your crater tour. Here you we will explore the forest areas inhabited by monkeys and elephants, the lake area, where we may see flamingos. We will also visit the open savannah where the lions hunt. Picnic lunch will be served in the crater. Dinner and overnight at Sope Lodge.

Day 9: Ngorongoro Crater to Tarangire National Park

Today we drive to Tarangire National Park, for excellent game viewing. Tarangire is a small park which offers some excellent sights. Generally in the dry seasons Tarangire comes alive as wildlife and birdlife congregate on the Tarangire River, which is a permanent source of water. We spend the night in our lodge beautifully set inside the park with stunning views and a unique atmosphere. In the late afternoon we drive to Tanzania Safari Lodge.

Day 10: Tarangire to Arusha

After breakfast, leave Tarangire with your packed lunch to Arusha town. Transfer to Kilimanjaro International Airport for you flight back home.


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