3 Days History tour itinerary for Isfahan: Sightsee The Former Capital Of Persia

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 300 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 3 Tage

Visit the most important touristic sites of the third largest city of Iran. Places like mosques, Hamams (ancient bathrooms), palaces, madrasas, and squares will be visited; Jameh Mosque, Chehel Sotoun Palace, Ali Qoli Aqa Hamam, Sio-se-pol Bridge, Chahar Bagh Madrasa, to name just a few.


Religious sites


Jameh Mosque


Sheikh Lotfullah Mosque

Imam (Shah) Mosque

Hakim Mosque

Vank Church + Music Museum

Takht-e-Foulad graveyard


Historical places/bridges

Stop by:

Imam (Naqsh-e-Jahan) Square

Ali Qapu Palace

Qeysariyeh Bazaar

Chehel Sotoun Palace

Hasht Behesht Palace

Chahar Bagh Madrasa

Museum of Decorative Arts

Sio-se-pol Bridge

Khajoo Bridge


Hammams and nature sightseeing


Ali Qoli Aqa Hamam

Khosro Aqa Hamam (if possible)

Malek Soltan Jarchi Bashi Hamam (currently used as a traditional restaurant)

Flowers Garden

Birds Garden

Isfahan Aquarium


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