Sprache Englisch
Kosten 2534 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 1 Woche 4 Tage

The east of Madagascar is known for its beautiful and authentic landscapes. The incomparable beauty of the wildlife and flora in this region ultimately inspire tourists to frequently visit this area. Madagascar is the only place in the world that has lemurs and the biggest lemur reserve in Madagascar is located in Andasibe Park. Sainte Marie island is a beautiful white sand beach with warm waters and deep blue seas. Between the months of June and September, the local “Betsimisaraka” tribe and several NGOs in the region come together to celebrate the famous “whale festival” which takes place in Sainte Marie Island.

DAY 1 : Home Country - Antananarivo

When you are arrived at the airport, we will be there waiting for you holding a sign with your name on it. After picking you up at the airport we will drive to our hotel in Antananarivo and give you a special briefing about our upcoming journey and answer any questions you may have about our upcoming adventure.

Overnight in Antananarivo at Central Hotel or similar.

DAY 2 : Antananarivo - Andasibe

After our breakfast we will head to Andasibe and in between we have visit of a reptile’s park, where we are going see different species of chameleons, geckos, snakes, crocodile, frogs and one of the largest butterfly of Madagascar as well as 2 different species of lemurs. This visit will take us about 2 hours and once we done we will drive further to have lunch before we continue to Andasibe. And once we arrived to Andasibe we will do to a check in into our hotel and get ready for a night walk to see the night active lemurs, frogs and chameleons.

Overnight in Andasibe at Feon’ny Ala Hotel or similar.

DAY 3 : Visit Andasibe Analamazaotra national park

Enjoy a full day on Madagascar wildlife safari with a visit of Andasibe analamazaotra national park. The primary forests which contains a dense humid forest. It is covered with leans, moss, fern tress and more than hundred orchids’ species. And many species of lemurs, indri-indri the largest of all, diademed sifaka, common brown lemur, bamboo lemur and the sportive lemurs too. Other common plants growing here are pandanus, ravinala palm-tree, tambourissa, bamboos and some precious wood, like palisander and ebony. The extraordinary animal diversity is completed with another 15-mammal species, more than 100 of birds (many of them endemic, like the Madagascar yellow brow. In the afternoon we will head to the Vakona reserve to play with the lemurs and see many crocodiles as well as whistling ducks; king fisher and other species of birds.

Overnight in Andasibe at Feon'ny Ala Hotel or similar.

DAY 4 : Andasibe - Palmarium

Breakfast in the hotel then continue driving on the RN2 toward Palmarium reserve. When we arrive to Manambato we will take a boat and we will sail on the pangalanes channel till we arrive to the palmarium reserve this night we are going to do a night safari to see the endemic wildlife of Madagascar the AYE AYE.

Overnight at the Palm beach or Ankanin’ny nofy lodge or similar.

DAY 5 : Palmarium visit

Today we are going to visit he palmarium reseve and see its rich fauna and flora. You are going to see a lot of lemurs, birds and plants species. In the afternoon you can decide to go to visit the fishermen village nearby or simply relax.

Overnight at the Palm beach or Ankanin’ny nofy lodge or similar.

DAY 6 : Palmarium - Foulpointe

After your breakfast we are going to sail on the pangalanes channel to reach Toamasina, the second largest city of Madagascar and the city where we will have lunch this day. On the way you are going enjoy seeing forest around you and fish traps and villages of Betsimisaraka tribe. After our lunch we are going to continue our journey to Foulpointe. Foulpointe is a great town to spend another amazing day or night as it is by the calm sea where you can relax by beach in the evening.

Overnight in Foulpointe at Manda Beach Hotel or similar.

DAY 7 : Foulpointe - Sainte Marie

After breakfast we are going to board to a boat sailing on to Sainte Marie. The duration of our trip on the sea would be around 04 hours. Late arrival in Sainte Marie this afternoon you can decide to explore the town of Sainte Marie or simply relax in your hotel.

Overnight in Sainte Marie at Résidence Monique or similar.

DAY 8 : Sainte Marie

We will have 2 days of free time in which we can either continue to explore the beautiful island of Sainte-Marie or simply relax by the ocean and enjoy the beauty of the Indian Ocean.

Overnight in Sainte Marie at Résidence Monique or similar.

DAY 9 : Sainte Marie

Day 2, free time in which we can either continue to explore the beautiful island of Sainte-Marie or simply relax by the ocean and enjoy the beauty of the Indian Ocean.

Overnight in Sainte Marie at Résidence Monique or similar.

DAY 10 : Sainte Marie- Antananarivo

After breakfast, we will take a 45-minute flight from Sainte Marie to Antananarivo. After our arrival to Antananarivo we will check into our hotel and take some time to get settled. In the afternoon, we will take a moment to go and explore historical places in Antananarivo, including the Manjakamiadana Palace, the Andafiavaratra museum, in which we will learn about the history of the Malagasy Kingdom.

Overnight in Antananarivo at Central Hotel or similar.

DAY 11 : Antananarivo - Home Country

It depends in your flight. We have a free morning for shop for souvenirs to bring back home. During our shopping tour we will look at Malagasy craftwork, local spices, vanilla, and much more. After shopping we will prepare for our departure to Ivato International airport. We will arrive at the airport 2 hours before your departure time.


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