Turkish breakfast

Sprache Koreanisch
Kosten 65 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 9 Stunden

One of the richest varied breakfasts in the world.

You should taste the Turkish breakfast.

Firstly, we meet at 9:30 in the morning at Beşiktaş pier.

Then we are going to the Malta Köşkü to make a nice Turkish breakfast.

After breakfast, we walk in Yıldız Park.

Then we go to Bebek Starbuck which is the most beautiful view in the world and get coffee.

We walk by the sea to Rumeli Hisarı which was built by the Ottoman Emperor.

Then we go to Ortaköy and watch the brilliant night view. We eat kumpir which is famous in Ortaköy.

Our tour ends in Ortaköy..


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