Essaouira by private transport

Sprache Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch
Kosten 70 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 5 Personen
Dauer 1 Tag

We explore Essaouira as very popular destination with me and private transfer.

The city is situated about 175km away from Marrakech and we explore its beach very popular for surfing. Essaouira is well-known for its annual festival of Gnaoua music. We explore the medina and place Moulay El Hassan, also the port, and the ramparts. We visit the port with fishing boats.

We explore also the Bab El Marsa gate , then the Sqala of the Kasbash, the artillery platform on the ramparts. We enjoy old canons and after free program afternoon we transfer you back to Marrakech


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