Trakoscan + Varazdin Full-day Private Tour

Sprache Englisch, kroatisch, Spanisch
Kosten 170 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 8 Stunden

Trakoscan, a 13th century fortress that was transformed into a castle and a family residence in the 19thcentury by the Croatian noble family Draskovic, is one of the landmarks of Croatia on of the most beautiful representations of Croatia's Medieval heritage. Today, it's a state museum where the visitor can see how the Draskovic Family lived and the art they owned. After the visit to the museum, we will take a walk through the beautiful Baroque city of Varazdin, that truly nurtures its Baroque heritage.

The price is valid only for the service of the full-day tour guide.

Private transfer can be organised upon request for up to 7 people. The price will be adjusted accordingly.

Entrance tickets to Trakoscan Castle, museums and galleries in Varazdin are not included in the price.

IMPORTANT: The tour includes only a walk through the city of Varazdin, but not a tour with a licensed guide. If you wish to have a tour, it is necessary to arrange a licensed guide separately.


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