Excursion to the National primate sanctuary at MEFOU

Sprache Englisch, Französisch
Kosten 500 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 1 Tag

Departure from the hotel through the City centre, passing through some important historical and fascinating attractions like the Yaounde City hall; Bois Saint Anastasie public garden, Dr. Eugene Jamot statue, ancient house of the parliament the National museum , Charles Atangana statue, to the Mefou park about 2;30 mins drive.

Arrival at the park, trekking in the natural humid forest and viewing of the wide range of different species of preserved primates living in their natural milieu like giant Gorillas, chimpanzees, Baboons and other monkeys.

you would also have the possibility to walk in a fresh natural milieu, bird watching and , relaxation and return to hotel.

End of service.


The price above include the following;

* a bottle of water,

* entrance fees,

* Air conditoned transportation+driver+ fuel,

*Professional Guide.

The price does not include extras like;

- snacks,




You could still contact me for a customized price if the group is less than 10 persons.


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