Sprache Englisch, Spanisch
Kosten 80 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Eine Person
Dauer 10 Stunden

The pick up time is at 8:00 am from the hotel of the client. We will head to the northwest of Quito. The first stop will be at the viewpoint of the Pululahua crater - maybe the unique inhabitated crater in the world -. Then we will continue to Mindo, here we are going to visit: the butterfly farm called Nataly as well as the hummingbirds and the collection of orchids; the cable car to the sanctuary of waterfalls, we will cross the tarabita (cable car) to pass to the beginning of the trail, the walk last around two hours; and the last tourist attraction will be to enjoy of the chocolate tour. Aditional to this the passangers can do ziplining. Go back to the hotel.

It includes:

* Private transportation

* Driver guide

It does not include:

*Butterfly farm ( $5,00 each)

*Cable car ($ 5.00 each)

*Chocolate tour ( $8,00 each)

*Ziplining (Since $10,00 each)


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