Explore the unseen and unexplrored

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 2500 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Jegliche Personenanzahl
Dauer 2 Wochen 1 Tag

Dear all,

Pakistan has been unrated destiantion for tourists although there is alot to offer; due to the bad situation in the past with security Pakistan got into the redlist several times by few countries. Well; that time has already possed and now Pakistan is one of hottest destination for tourism in the World; there is alot to see from Southern part to Northern part. Southern part offers the historical background with heritage sites of oldest civilizations like Indus and etc. While the northern part has extreme adventure and expedition in the World's highest mountain ranges. Culture and tradition is the main factor which makes this Country more beautiful.


In this trip we will cover the highlights from Southern part to Northern part of the Country which is an amazing experience one can have where you can suddenly move from deserts to high mountains of the World in few hours.


This tour will be combo of history, culture, tradition, sightseeing, trekking as well as road trips.


As always, the tours will cover everything like meals (3 times a day). accommodation and transport through out the trip, all entrance fees, domestic flight faresa and invitation letter for Visas.

Only the international flight fares will not be included.


Detailed itinerary will be provided separately in pdf document upon demand.


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