Private day trip to Peles Palace , Dracula’s Castle and Brasov

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 300 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 12 Stunden

Pick up time will be arround 08.00 in the morning from your hotel/apartment from Bucharest.

- On our way from Bucharest to the Carpathian area and Transylvania we will cross villages among the road to our first stop in Sinaia at the Peles Palace build by the first romanian king, Carol I.

- Bran Castle situated at the border of Valachia and Transylvania is famous thanks to the irish writer Bram Stoker and his character Dracula.

- Brasov, Brasso or Kronstadt, 3 names one beautiful city that atract tourists from all over the world like a magnet waiting to got loose on the streets to discover the main atractions like the Black Church, the Narrow Street, Piața Sfatului (The Council Square), the Tâmpa Mountain and more .

*transportation is done with cars/vans with air conditioner, wifi on board ;

**english speaking driver and licensed guide

***not include in the price (food, entrances and other expenses)

*the trip plan can be changed due to weather conditions, traffic jams or other unespected situations.


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