Tirana – Dajti Mountain Cable Car

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 50 USD für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

It takes only 13 minutes to climb to the higher Mountain of Tirana, Dajti, 1613 m, with Cable Car.

The journey provides a kind of summary of life in Albania and its history. The streets become unpaved and the run-down village houses more remote. Dajti Ruins are the oldest settlements of Tirana, dating 10,000 to 30,000 years ago. Further along you can spot the infamous military bunkers, the gruesome location of countless executions of political prisoners during communist rule. As they say in Albania, “these mountains are full of skeletons”.

Anyway despite the history, this tour is offering a breathtaking panoramic view of Tirana. Once at the top of the mountain there is little to do but enjoy the view. Through the clouds it was possible to see as far as the port of Durres and out over the Adriatic Sea. The tourist restaurant which hangs off the mountain is the perfect spot for taking in the view but you’ll pay for the privilege. You will enjoy a traditional restaurant surrounded by the flora and fauna.

Trip description

Ages 10-80, max of 6 per group

Duration: 5–6 hours

Start time: Check availability


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